To my brothers, my sisters, and myself:
Life on this Earth, without God’s grace, is a game of chance. Much unexpected, empty promises. Lies, guilt, shame, and brokenness. Various meetings of pavement to face. Aimless wandering, countless daydreams of something bigger and better. Your soul thirsts…
Then, at some point, our glorious God calls you into His presence.
You find yourself, this broken shell of human form, on your knees. The spirit of God comes down, and BAM! Your chest is cracked wide open, a burning fire destroys the filth—rebirth! For the first time, you can truly breathe.
Life begins.
Almost immediately, the sun suddenly seems to shine brighter than ever before. Flowers appear abloom, and the warm breeze of second chances grazes your cheek. But, what then? What does God want you to do next?
You have a few options. You see:
In the left hand, contentment. Working on that groove in your chair, is by far the easiest seat to take. It’s more simple to worry about your own faith. Comfortability is our flesh at its best.
But, in the right hand, God’s assignment, purpose and sacrifice. In this hand, you will see mighty moves of God, soul transformations. But this requires getting yourself out of the “box.”
Which will you choose?
Reflect on this before you decide:
On the worst and best day in history
The most unblemished human skin was met with leather whips, causing gaping wounds and hanging flesh. With a thorn-penetrated cranium, a river of red flowed. Taunts, ridicules, and lies were spread; all while carrying a tree on His back. Steel was driven through His skin, to the sounds of cracking bones. Then, with His last breath—STILL—compassion flowed.
Our beautiful Savior was lead to an undeserving death.
God didn’t send His Son to go through all that pain and torture for your comfort. Jesus died so you could be FREE! Free to MOVE to wherever He calls you.
God is calling you.
What will you choose to do?
Please take a moment to reflect on these Scriptures:
You are fearfully and wonderfully made
Psalm 139:14
What God says about using your gifts:
1 Peter 4:10-11
1 Timothy 4:14
Romans 12:6-8
Living Sacrifice
Romans 12:1
Tell the World about His Word
Mark 16:15
Be Salt and Light
Matthew 5:13-16
God doesn’t give us a spirit of fear
2 Timothy 1:7
Author: J. Baez
J. Baez is so thankful for her compassionate and loving Father. She says, in all her mess, He still loves and longs for her. She strives to live to do her Father’s will; that’s one reason she’s writing for The Corner.
She says, she’s a child of God, wife and mother, “in that order.” She is incredibly blessed and overjoyed with all that God has blessed her with. Her desire is to bless others, all for His glory.
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