When God created the world, He created day and night. The Word says He created the moon and the stars. He put the lights in the sky to shine on the earth.
He put them in the sky to rule over the day and the night. They separated light from the darkness. God saw it was good.
We, too, are the light.
We rule over darkness and evil. God has given us authority and power. He has separated us, too, from the darkness.
We also shine when we are at work, or at school, or in the stores. Wherever it is that we go, we can shine and bring God’s glory with us. We do this to be a blessing to others.
People see us, and they stare. This is because there is something good within us. The light.
Thank you, God, for making us the light.
Author: Kamisha Bourdeaux
Kamisha Bourdeaux is a dance worshiper. God called her to dance at the age of 19. She didn’t really understand who she was, nor her purpose at the time. After experiencing life, though, she was finally able to receive God’s love, and see His faithfulness towards her.
Today, she’s able to say she finally knows both who she is, and what her purpose is. Kamisha teaches children how to worship God through dance ministry. She also encourages people that God loves all, regardless of what has been done in their past. His mercy is new every morning, and every day, she says, “we can start brand new again. Amen.”
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