The JPR Story

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If you’re a fan of Hip Hop and/or soul music, and were living in Rochester, NY in the 2000s, you may be familiar with jaythreeoh, his familial moniker Uncle Treezy, or his stolen tagline: “You ain’t know?! Ya betta axsumbodee!!”duo_xparent

The slowFlow Show brought real Hip Hop and soul music to 89.7 WITR-FM, every weekday morning from 9am-12noon. His mix of old and new, from slow jams to hardcore, in addition to his unashamed love of the plus-size woman, kept listeners on their toes for over a decade.

Now, jaythreeoh’s unashamed love is directed towards the Most High God. He is still a fan of the same music. However, in the heart of the music’s content is also a resounding aura of the Spirit of the True and Living One.

Along with praise and worship leader, Brother Alex, the duo is set to firmly inject Jesus in the airwaves. Jesus Peace Radio: Christ-centered Hip Hop and soul music, all for His glory. You’ll hear raw honesty of the musical styling, coupled with strong faith-based content within the lyrics. It’s a beautiful tension of real Hip Hop culture through the eyes of two men of God, unashamed to spread the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ over the airwaves. We pray; we chat; we bang.

There are verses in these verses. There is Truth in these tracks. But, there is no I in He. Get on the team!


Find us on social media (@JesusPeaceRadio on all platforms) and follow, like, comment, and share!


Now that you’ve got a general idea about the show, you can find out even more about the show’s hosts. Check out biographies of either jaythreeoh or Brother Alex.

Okay, we’re all very familiar with each other. Now, quit foolin’ around, and go check out the neck-snapping, Holy Hip Hopping greatness that is Jesus Peace Radio. Click here to listen.